testata-oggetti Stone Objects is the line of furnishings offered by Manulight.

manulight | stone objects| manufactured in Italy | italian design | Mediterranean culture

Results 1 - 10 of 15
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Holder incense tuff of Lecce

Holder incense tuff of Lecce

Sales price: 15,00 €

Product details

Document holder desk

Document holder desk

Sales price: 25,00 €

Product details

napkin Holder

Napkin holder tuff

Sales price: 30,00 €

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Candle holder Scratched

Candle holder made ​​of tuff model...

Sales price: 50,00 €

Product details

Candle holder "Ring"

Candle holder model "Ring"

Sales price: 50,00 €

Product details

Bottle holder rectangular

Bottle holder rectangular tuff

Sales price: 60,00 €

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Tris center square table

Tris center square table in tuff

Sales price: 60,00 €

Product details

Crucifix "Jesus"_L - LG

Crucifix Jesus tuff of Lecce and tuff...

Sales price: 70,00 €

Product details

Bottle holder basket

Bottle holder basket

Sales price: 75,00 €

Product details

Clock stripes

Watch striped tuff of Lecce, Lecce...

Sales price: 80,00 €

Product details

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realizzazione lampade in tufo

Viale R. Rubbettino 33, 88049 - Soveria Mannelli (Cz)

Tel. e Fax: 0968.662124

www.manulight.it -  info@manulight.it

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